Cumberland County Hospital
299 Glasgow Road
Burkesville, KY  42717

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The Board of Directors of Cumberland County Hospital is a body elected by Cumberland County Hospital Association Inc. Stockholders to serve as the policy making body for the Hospital. The Directors volunteer in committee meetings, educational meetings, fund raising, community meetings, and of course, the regular monthly board meetings where decisions are made. The Directors are entrusted with the responsibility of seeing that the hospital achieves its Mission of providing outstanding health care to the community. Cumberland County Hospital has a rich heritage of Director leadership, which has resulted in a Hospital for the community, which has consistently addressed the health care needs of the community and provided outstanding care and service. The current Board is no different. Citizens of Cumberland County should be comforted in the knowledge that their Hospital Board members are engaged in overseeing the operations of the Hospital and defining the strategic direction of the enterprise so that it consistently meets the health care needs of the people.

Contact Number: 270-864-2511 ext. 258